The Unknown 2004 Euro Tour. Week Two.
Written by Ken.
Day Eight: Thursday May 20, 2004:
Cambridge, UK at the Portland Arms.
"I think you're 17..."
Again we had a nice sleep and an easy morning. Cambridge wasn't too far away. We said our goodbyes and headed out. Our easy hour and a half trip ended up being about three hours. Damn British roadways.
We stopped off at a Travelodge and got a room because we weren't sure we had one for the night. By the time we got to the Portland Arms it was already about 6. Cambridge is a college town, nice and pretty. There was the typical college things in and about the area where the club was. Wayne and I saw a rowing team going down the river.
We got fed at the club and met up with Boss Tuneage head honcho, Aston. It was fun to catch up and talk about what was going on with the label. We hadn't seen Aston for a year, and it's always nice to see him.
We were playing with two local teenage bands from the Cambridge area. They were young and energetic. They both turned in good sets. They brought a lot of kids out to the shows too. Pete was comparing the one band's lead singer to Moe from the Three Stooges.
The set was: Never Be The Same - Postcard - Radio Lied To Me - Whiskey Romance - Disappear - Pretty Identical - Whether - Tongue Tied - Merry Go Round - She's Sorry - Femme Fatale - Seven - Give Me A Reason - Say Goodbye.
After the set we hung out for a little bit at the Portland Arms and talked with Jazz, Aston and DS from Fracture. We finally encountered some English rain as we packed the gear up after the gig. We drove back to the Travelodge and pigged out on our daily rations of gas station sandwiches and Stella. We watched some crime show on the tube and passed out.
Day Nine: Friday, May 21, 2004.
Guildford, UK. Guildford Community Center
"Pick Me Up and take me to the top..."
Today was a day we were all waiting for. Last year's show at the Guildford Youth Community Centre was a crazy night. The kids that put on these shows really go all out. We had a semi easy ride down to Guildford from Cambridge. The distance wasn't all tat far, but we got stuck in some London traffic for a little while. We got into Guildford around 1 and we had a few hours to kill in the city centre.
Last year we played in Guildford twice and both days we were there too late to see or do anything. There were tons of markets and stores and Guildford turned out to be a nice quaint little town. They even had a shopping mall, the first we had seen, inside of a bus station. It was weird. Throughout the day we all saw some crazy things. Mainly, Lou and Brian saw an old woman walking down the street with a full white beard. Not a little fuzz, a full beard. ... yeah.
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Ken and the crowd in Guildford. |
Day Ten: Saturday, May 22, 2004:
London, UK at the Verge.
"Your green Doc boots, cigarettes and leather strides..."
Finally London. We got in early enough this time to really get a chance to walk around Camden town. It was a freekin crazy mess. There were a billion people walking through the shops and markets. I felt like I was home. There were tons of people and it was fun to get lost in the markets at Camden. There were tons of punks on the streets and tons of shops to get cool shit. We all split up and ended up coming back with tons of crap we didnąt need from the awesome stores in Camden.
Wayne and I were relaxing at Costo coffee shop when Aston strolled in. Amazing how you can run into someone you know when there's a million people outside. Key Production, the CD plant where he works, was just down the street, and he usually frequents the coffee shop we were in.
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Brian, Ellis, Ken and Matt in London |
Day Eleven: Sunday May 23, 2004:
Den Helder, The Netherlands at the De Engel.
"Standing here and staring out on the edge of forever..."
We got into Martine's house and hit the hay. Pete and Rita went with Martine to see a doctor. Pete had gotten a lot worse over the last few days. It got some antibiotics for a respiratory infection. 100 Euros down the drain. Around 1 or so we got our butts up and headed north into the Netherlands. Den Helder was about an hour north of Amsterdam.
So we saw a nice scenic view of the Netherlands from the van. We got into the small town of Den Helder, and it was like a ghost town. There were tons of strips of shops and whatnot, but there were very few people around. The ones that were were all riding bikes. It looked liked a very bike oriented city.
De Engel was a really small bar that puts on shows in the back corner of the bar. Mike and Leek, the people running the show met us as we drove up. We would be staying with Leek who lived upstairs from De Engel.
We unloaded and did a sound check and realized we were the only band playing that evening. That was expected for a small city like Den Helder. Mike made us a fantastic dinner of vegetarian pasta.
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Lou in Viking gear for De Engel. |
Day Twelve: Monday May 24, 2004:
Hamburg, Germany at the Scandia Bar.
"Play it loud and play it fast..."
We had a pretty long drive into Germany. The early Europe drives turned out to be a little longer than expected.
Driving into Hamburg was a first for most of us. Pete and Wayne got to drive to Germany last year to pick up gear but the rest of us had never been to Germany.
Well Germany was something else. We didn't know what to expect and I'm sure Hamburg is just one city and not indicative of what the rest of the country is like. The Scandia Bar was located in the red light district of Hamburg. We drove up to the club, and we were literally across the street from the alleyway that housed all the whores in the window. It was blocked off by red gates proclaiming no men below 18 or women allowed. Hmm. We'd have to check that out later.
The people putting on the show arrived and the opening band the Varones showed up as well. We unpacked the gear and got situated. Martine and I took a long walk through the city looking for an open pharmacy to buy Wayne some medicine. He was the latest to come down with some sort of sickness. He had his usual sinus infection and fever. After about an hour of walking and looking at like 6 closed pharmacies we found the one that was open, well sort of. You had to walk to the closed gates and talk to the guy through the bars and explain what the ailment was you needed to take care of. Walking through the rest of the city you can see why this was the case. This was the dirtiest town we had ever been too. There was dog crap and piss all over the streets, and there were tons of junkies walking all over. Not to mention the whores that came out once it got dark. It was weird all the girls standing on the corners had the same outfits on; Tight pants and ski jackets. They were all tall thin blondes too.
We were supposed to get fed at this one, but we ended up having to go for some Kebabs again. We did find a clean shop. It was a good kebab day. We took a stroll through the red light part of the street that was blocked off by the red doors and it was just like when we were in Amsterdam. The girls sit in the windows all whored out in lingerie and try to get you to come to the window to talk. Martine walked through with us and got told "Bitch get out of here!" It was funny.
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Guess what's behind this door... |
Day Thirteen: Tuesday May 25, 2004:
Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium at the JH Animoro.
"I want to go back there..."
After some cleaning up, the six of us at Pohl's went over and got Brian and Lou from Ritchy's. We got out of Hamburg early. We drove in to Sint Genius Rode in Belgium for tonight's show at around 6.
We knew tonight was gonna be good when we saw a car load of old friends parked near the club waiting to meet up with us. Phillip, Tonia and Innerface (Paolo's band) met us with open arms and smiles. The JH Animoro was another youth club similar to De NArtist that gets money from the city to have events. This was our first time there, and it was a great vibe rom the minute we got in. The food we were fed was fantastic as well. Europe is good for the meals. That's for sure.
Sasha and Johan from Demzel came by for this show, and it was good to see them. Demzel couldn't play because their drummer was off on a honey moon ... ironic.
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After the show at JH Animoro. |
Day Fourteen: Wednesday May 26, 2004:
Beauvais, France at La Mine
"We've made some friends, but we're still on our own..."
We woke up at De Nartist and got some things done like laundry and calls home. We make another quick stop at Martine's to pick up some stuff we had left there early in the tour and we headed out.
Ah France. Yep. France looks particularly like nothing as you drive down the motorway toward Paris. The city of Beauvais was about 60 miles north of Paris. And it seemed like forever to get to where we were going. Chris from Walked In Line was putting on the show. He got us on the festival in Muoy last year.
We drove into town and had a little trouble finding the bar, but we got to see this old church in the center of town for a few minutes. It was falling down from being centuries old, and it was way cool. The gargoyles were sweet. Most of the town was shut down by the time we rolled in. But, we did finally see something we have been trying to see the whole three tours to Europe. McDonald's. Not just any McDonald's. A McDonald's with the famous Royale with Cheese on the menu. It really does exist like they say in Pulp Fiction. Oh, we didn't go into Burger King.
La Mine was a small bar with a balcony for the band. It wasn't a club or anything just an area where you could set up and play. We were told that we would play as soon as the football match between Monacco and Portugal was over. Monacco lost, which was the team they were rooting for. The second the clock ticked down we blasted into our set.
Never Be The Same - Postcard - Radio Lied To Me - Whiskey Romance - Do You Know That Girl - Tongue Tied - Pretty Identical - Merry Go Round - She's Sorry - Seven - Listen To Me - Stare - Puzzles - Give Me A Reason - Femme Fatale - Say Goodbye - Leave Me Now (encore).
My voice was shot after the show. The whole time we were playing, I was unable to hit anything high at all. I expected to have some sort of voice problems at some point, but I didn't think it would take 14 days. So that's a pretty good tour for the most part. We'll see how bad it is tomorrow...
After the show Wayne got mobbed by a bunch of French kids who loved his drumming during the night. We retired to the flat of the owners of La Mine. They were super nice and gave us all sleeping places. Wayne, Pete, Rita and I stayed in the kids room on bunk beds and Lou and Brian got a pullout couch.
It was comfy.
This page and its contents © 1998-2004 The Unknown.