"Radio Lied to Me,"
Studio Diary, Days Five through Seven, Tuesday, December 17 to Thursday December 19, 2002. Written by Ken.
So here we are into the vocals. We had the leads done on Postcard from Monday, but thhis is the first real attempt at vocals for the whole session. First up was Picture This. This is a good low end gutteral song. A cool one to start the day with. Got a lot of screaming and cool shit going on. Next up was She's Sorry. This was a great take excpet for one damn line if the song I couldn't get right. We left it for another day. See if you can hear that line! Ha. Anyways, after that I did Things In Life in two takes. After those three, I was pretty wasted so Brian came in and he did his back-ups on Picture This.
... Ken in the booth
Wednesday and Thursday were pretty much more of the same things. We got all of the rest of the lead vocals done except for two songs (Pushover and Two Weeks, those were to be done on Sunday.) Some of the songs took a long time, some were quick. And we got almost just as much done on the back ups vocals as well. At the end of the day of tracking on Thursday 10 0f 12 leads were done and 7 of 12 back ups were done. We did some really cool shit on the songs. There's a nice three part harmony on Radio, there's great angsty screams on Picture This and She's Sorry. The quirkiness of Little Green Shirt is really apparent now too. Thursday's session ended at 4 AM with Tommy and Marc from the studio reworking all the ADATS and dumping them to 2" reel to reel to get a better sound out of the vocals. Tommy had been getting a vocal sound from the mikes that he wasnt totally happy with, and this all seemd to fix the problem. They finished that up at 7 am. We were coming back on Sunday to finish the lead vocals and Monday to finish the back-ups and re-do 2 bass tracks.
... More Ken singing.
The Making of Radio Lied to Me, Day 8.

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