"Radio Lied to Me,"
Studio Diary, Day Three, Tuesday, December 10, 2002. Written by Ken.
Day three began like we ended day two. Bass overdubs. Brian only had 4 songs left to do after staying late on Day 2. We got started a little later than we had hoped due to a few things. We needed to set up the bass rig and get sounds again. Tommy had trouble getting the same sounds from the amp set up and only because the board was tweeked and messed up from the session before ours. Basically some knobs that should have been set back to normal weren't and some lights didn't work, and after a bit of troubleshooting we figured it out and got down to it. We started the bass takes around 8:30. Brian worked long and hard on the final four songs; Say Goodbye, Little Green Shirt, Teenage Dream and Do You Know That Girl.
... ADAT time code and song title.
After Brian finished up, we took a break and hung out eating some donuts and coffee. Pete and Rita were now at the studio and hanging out as well. After a bit it was time to get guitar sounds. It was getting late, but we were all determined to get some guitar down. With the help of Pete Woodward and Andy Harhay's Marshall head (thanks Andy) we got Chris, well I should say, Tommy got Chris sounding pretty fucking good. Pete worked as guitar tech, microphone mover and all around knob mover. It worked well. It was basically what Pugsleyt was doing for Wayne with the drums.
... Pete and Chris prepare the guitar amp.
Chris starting doing the songs in the same order as the original basic takes. First up was the ball buster Two Weeks. Chris was using the Wolfgang for this one. This is one of our faster, punkier songs. A tough one, but not for Chris. He breezed through it in no time. Next up was the equally fast paced Postcard. Again, no problem. Two quick guitar takes and we had two nice rhythm tracks. I had an idea for a third guitar part in the middle of the song, and boom he was done with that too.
... Pete adjusts while Tommy and Chris listen.
Next up was She's Sorry. Chris switched over to the Yamaha guitar for a heavier, rougher sound. Worked great. Good choice for this song and the two that followed; Picture This and Things In Life. All three of those went quickly and before we knew it the end of the night had come. Chris was hot and the takes were fucking briliant. It was 2 AM and Tommy was frazzled from a 13 hour day of engineering, so we called it a night. Day four comes on Monday December 16th.
... Tommy and Chris give Pete direction from the control room.
The Making of Radio Lied to Me, Day 4.

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