Day four. There's not much totell about day four. We did start the day by doing vocals, but it didnt last long. The plan was to do as much vocals as possible before Chris arrived at 11pm after his classs at Ursuline. By the time we got mics figured out and everything working properly, it was 8pm. After a solid hour and a half on Postcard, we had the lead vocal finished and parts of the backing vocals. Chris showed up earlier than expected, so we changed gears and went back to doing the guitars.
The plan was to get Chris finished up so he wouldn't have to come back in the studio anymore, and we could concentrate solely on vocals from here on out. So that's what we did. From 11pm til 5am we finished up the guitars on the rest of the songs. It took a long time because we did some really cool things in adding third and fourth guitar parts to many of the remaining songs. Radio has a cool third guitar going on in most of it now. There's an aawesome electronic, robotic sound going on in Green Shirt. All in all Chris kicked ass, and we came out of there with awesome shit. It was funny, no one really seems to know what the hell time it was when we left. Amazing how time flies when you are having fun. Oh yeha theres no pictures from day four cause they'd look the same as day 3.